I've added an Amazon Link below the Donate button.
If you click it, you'll be taken to the Amazon website and anything you buy there will result in a donation to the Virtual Pub.
So, it won't cost you anything at all yet those nice people at Amazon will make a donation which will help keep the pub running...
The problem is that clicks on the Donate button are few and far between yet invoices for hosting and running the site appear all to frequently. Given that we have no other advertising or promotion on the site I don't think it is unreasonable that we all share the cost of running it. This would appear to be a good way of spreading the cost.
For your info, here is a summary of the recent invoices that I've paid: -
Easyspace Standard Backup Yearly | | | 28/09/11 | | | | £10.33 |
Easyspace MySQL Database - Yearly | | | 21/09/11 | | | £39.36 |
Easyspace Standard Backup Yearly | | | 28/09/11 | | | £10.33 |
Easyspace Whois Privacy Yearly | | | 14/09/11 | | | £9.66 |
Easyspace Gold Linux Yearly | | | 23/08/11 | | | £80.04 |
Easyspace Extra MySQL Storage | | | 13/05/11 | | | £14.27 |
What thinks you...?