I Googled Images of Dee Estuary. I live one side of it and can see it from my back windows. Nick lives the other side of it and can see it from his place. This picture claimed to be of the Dee Estuary, up and down which some fairly large barges and ferries sail.
I really don't think it is important where it was taken or when. If it makes you happy then it could have been taken anywhere but the point is that it demonstrates quite well that there is an expanse of water twixt Nick and I that I am not sure protects me from the "Nick effect" which is what I was making a joke about.
I could have argued that the OP was wrong because there is nowhere on your local golf course that looks like that and, having seen photos of you, I can say that you don't look like the bear in that picture but the point was the humour not the accuracy.
Certainly it is not worth falling out about. I did not take the picture and trusted the person who posted it onto the net but that does not matter, the picture does not matter. The joke was what mattered to me but the point of that has gone now too.
Shall we move on?