I went to about 14 different schools.
At nursery and primary age it didn't make much difference. It was just what happened.
In 1970 we moved to Malvern expecting to be there for the usual 2 year duration. When I moved up to senior school I loved it. We ended up staying there for more than 2 years. In 1973 we moved to Northumberland and I hated the school I attended. Academically it was brilliant and TBH I think it was probably being taken away from my friends that was the problem.
My parents were unable to sell their property in Malvern so my sister and I along with my mother moved back. I returned to the school and my friends but it was not the same.

Things and people had of course moved on. I started my O level courses there, then bugger me the parents moved again. Off we went to Hampshire when I was 15.
Hated the school and my parents, again more to do with leaving friends and having to do the whole settling in again. I took my O' levels there but as there was no 6th form had to change once again. Went to college in Southampton (a three hour commute every day) and did A' levels by which time I was done with education, I just could not face the thought of starting the whole thing all over again. Left home at 17 and buggered off to London.
Off we went to Hampshire when I was 15. Hated the school and my parents, again more to do with leaving friends and having to do the whole settling in again.