I was the school freak 'cus I had a squint in me left eye until I was 12 (Marty Feldman lookalike)

Constantly and utterly battered physically and mentaly. No mates, and no one seemed to give a flyin' one.
Just told to get on and deal with it.
I used to ger ambushed on the playground, schoohell bus, glasses troden on, satchel contents emptied regulary, stuff nicked, spat on (greenies) written on, battered over the head (crusters) and punched in the belly regulary, you friggin' name it, I was subjected to it.

Didn't stop after me op. either. They just carried on calling me 'gozeyes'
God I would SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSP luv to meet my tormenters again now.

They's find me as a slightly different person, and not quite the 'push over' I was then.
