If it is any help virtually all Swiss rail employees speak English. All Swiss trains run to time. Swiss stations are well signposted and they are usually staffed so it is hard to go wrong.
Lil Bruv, who would not mind me saying , is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, travels regularly to Switzerland. Usually Manc via Swiss Air to Zurich and gets trains to his Daughter's. If he can't get a Swiss Air flight he goes from Liverpool via Sleezy Jet (a 'orrible experience he says) to Basel and thence by a series of trains. Lil Bruv's only spoken German or French is to hold up one finger and shout "BEER". It seems to work for him.
Things to remember in Switzerland are that smoking in public places is a no-no and dropping any litter is likely to get you lynched! Otherwise they are most polite and forgiving. Oh and they have a zero tolerance to drinking and driving.
Everyone in Switzerland travels by train. They are the most efficient railways in the world. People seldom get a bus as trains run everywhere, even through most town centres.